There is a properly designed law that governs personal matters like marriage, divorce, alimony, inheritance, child custody, and others. This article is to guide you if you are planning to file for a divorce. Federal laws define the procedure of divorce. Under the law, any of the spouses have to go to court for registration. They have to request the courts for divorce by submitting a written application. Formerly, it was guided under sections of Family courts.
Now, all such requests and applications are taken up by Al-Adheed Center. The initiative is taken by making efforts for the reconciliation between husband and wife. This is done to clear the misconceptions and to ring them together once again. This reconciliation is performed by the conciliators. They are the experts who are the staff of the honorable courts. They are assigned a task to bridge the gap between the married couple. Conciliators are the neutral parties in the process. Here it is vital to note that in UAE the advocates and lawyers of both parties are not permitted to intervene in the matter.
If a consensus cannot be reached between them and a settlement doesn’t take place, then the case is forwarded to the family court of UAE. For instance, if the matter takes place in Dubai, the case is forwarded to family courts present in Dubai. Besides, a letter is issued in this perspective to the court. It should be done within 3 months of issuance. Following this, a proper case number will be generated. Here in family courts, both parties can appear along with their respective lawyers or advocates. You can also search Family Lawyers in Dubai here.
If the divorce is not amicable, then the case is taken as a full-form court case. Moreover, if the divorce takes place on amicable grounds then a mutual agreement is prepared. The mutual agreement is prepared as per the sharia law. It is submitted to the family court of UAE. It is the responsibility of the family courts in UAE to decide upon the verdict of the case. The decisions are based on the justice of the law. The settlement agreement is signed before the court-nominated person.
If the divorce takes place between a Muslim and Non-Muslim couple and the marriage is registered in the country, then they can easily file for divorce. There is an ease in this aspect and thus, local laws will be used to resolve the matter. Furthermore, such couples have a complete right to file for divorce in the country. For instance, if the Muslim and Non-Muslim couple is in Abu Dhabi, they can easily contact Family Courts in Abu Dhabi.
Under Federal Law, it is mentioned that sharia laws apply to Muslim couples but it has a clause in it. If the Muslim and Non-Muslim couple demanded divorce based on the sharia law they can be granted divorce following the procedure. Besides, they are also allowed to ask for country family law if they wish to. Under this, they can get divorced following the laws of their country.
As we mentioned above that hire the Family Lawyers or check with a Law Firm. Better consult first and grab the most recent information. It will help to take a right decision before getting in to action. It is the right advice always provided to readers who are planning to take a legal action. We will not take any liability. Please for a perception or legal action, we suggest to consult a good Lawyer in Dubai or Legal Consultants. Dubai has several quality Law Firms and top Advocates.